LOT 1: Rare: Seder Me’ah Berachos - Orden de Bendiciones, Amsterdam 1687. . A complete copy of Seder Meah Berachos, a bilingual prayer book containing hundreds of various blessings for different occasions, featuring the original Hebrew text, with each blessing translated into Spanish opposite the ...
LOT 2: Tanach - Biblia Hebraica - The Menasseh ben Yisrael Edition, Amsterdam 1635-36. A Fine Copy. . A complete copy of Menasseh ben Yisrael’s remarkable edition of the Tanach, printed in Amsterdam in 1635-1636. Menashe Ben Yisroel (1604-1657), a leading Rabbi in 17th century Amsterdam, and the ...
LOT 3: Sefer Toras HaChatas, Cracow 1577. Rare Second Edition With Author’s Corrections. . A complete copy of Sefer Toras HaChatas, Cracow 1577. Authored by R. Moshe Isserles (1530-1572), and contains the laws of Isser V’Heter (dietary laws). Second edition, printed with the corrections of Rema ...
LOT 4: Sefer Birkas Avraham - With Rare Approbation of Chacham Tzvi, Venice 1696. Only Edition. . Sefer Birkas Avraham was authored by R. Avraham Brudo of Constantinople, and contains Torah insights, sermons and novella to Parshas Bereishis. This work was published with the approbation of leading Torah ...
LOT 5: A Classic Kabbalah Work: Sefer Shefa Tal, Hanau 1612. First Edition. The Personal Copy of R. Chaim Zvi Manheimer. . A complete copy of Sefer Shefa Tal, printed in Hanau in 1612. Authored by R. Sheftal HaLevi Horowitz of Prague (1590-1660). This work is considered one of the fundamental ...
LOT 6: Talmud Babli - Me’ilah, Kinnim, Middos, Tamid - Basel 1580. . A complete copy of Tractates Me’ilah, Kinnim, Middos and Tamid from the magnificent Basel Talmud, printed in 1580. This edition was printed by Ambrosius Froben of Basel, following the burning of the Talmud which occurred in Italy. ...
LOT 7: Sefer Pardes Rimonim, Sabbioneta 1554 - Bound With Tshuvos MaHari Mintz and MaHaram Padua, Venice 1553. First Editions. . Presented here are two rare and important treatises printed during the 16th century. Both are first editions. The first is Sefer Pardes Rimonim, a commentary on Agadic ...
LOT 8: Rare: Sefer Toldos Adam V’Chava – Rabbeinu Yerucham, Venice 1553. Bound With: Sefer Meisharim, Venice 1553. . A complete copy of the Venice edition of Sefer Toldos Adam V’Chava, authored by Rabbeinu Yerucham. Venice 1553. Also bound with Sefer Meisharim, which is essentially the same Halachik ...
LOT 9: Teshuvos R. Moshe Alshich, Venice 1605. First Edition. . A complete copy of R. Moshe Alshich’s responsa, first edition. Brought to print after his death by his son R. Chaim Alshich in Venice, 1605. Contains 380 responsa ranging from issues of Choshen Mishpat, Even HaEzer and Yoreh De’ah. R. ...
LOT 10: Rare: Sefer Tehillim – Psalterium Hebraeum – Menasseh ben Yisrael Press, Amsterdam 1644. . A complete copy of a miniature edition of Sefer Tehillim, Amsterdam 1644. Printed at the famed printing house of Menasseh ben Yisrael, who was particularly well-known for his exacting printing standards ...
LOT 11: Rare: A Large Rashi Manuscript Handwritten on Parchment. Probably France, Circa 13th Century. . Presented here is an exceptionally rare and beautiful manuscript, containing a portion of Rashi’s commentary on the Torah (Bereishit, Parshat Mikeitz 42:3-44:16), handwritten on parchment. The style ...
LOT 12: Classic: Tshuvos HaRamban, Venice 1519. First Edition. An Impressive Copy. . A complete, beautiful copy of a most fundamental Halachik work published in the 16th century. First edition, printed by Daniel Bomberg at Venice in 1519. Although printed under the name of the Ramban, the printer was ...
LOT 13: Rambam – Mishneh Torah, Venice 1574-1576. First Edition of Kessef Mishnah Commentary. A Complete Set. A complete set of the highly sought after Mishneh Torah – Rambam, printed in Venice starting from 1574 until 1576. This monumental edition is the first edition with R. Yosef Karo’s classic ...
LOT 14: Rare: Sefer Toras Chaim – Volume I – Lublin 1624. First Edition. Printed During the Author’s Lifetime. . A complete copy of Sefer Toras Chaim, the classic commentary on various Masechtos of Shas. Authored by R. Avraham Chaim Schor Rabbi of Belz (d. 1632). He was a disciple of R. Moshe Isserles ...
LOT 15: Rare: Sefer Toras Chaim – Volume II – Krakow 1634. First Edition. . A complete copy of Sefer Toras Chaim, the classic commentary on various Masechtos of Shas. Authored by R. Avraham Chaim Schor Rabbi of Belz (d. 1632). He was a disciple of R. Moshe Isserles (the Rema), and the Rebbe of the ...
LOT 16: Sefer Lashon Limudim, Constantinople 1542. . A complete copy of Sefer Lashon Limudim, written by R. David Ibn Yachya (1465-1543), a 15th century Rabbi from Lisbon. First printed in 1506, this revised Constantinople edition was printed in 1542 free from previous printing errors. R. David Ibn ...
LOT 17: Classic: Sefer Maginei Shlomo, Amsterdam 1715. First Edition. . Presented here is a complete copy of Sefer Maginei Shlomo, printed in Amsterdam in 1715. It was written by R. Yehoshua, Rosh Av Beis Din of Krakow. The purpose of this work was to answer the questions of Tosafos on Rashi, hence the ...
LOT 18: A Rare Hebrew Classic: Sefer Pnei Yehoshua - Seder Moed, Frankfurt 1752. First Edition - Printed During The Author’s Lifetime. . Presented here is a complete copy of the rare first edition of Sefer Pnei Yehoshua on Seder Moed, Frankfurt 1752. Sefer Pnei Yehoshua was authored by R. Yaakov ...
LOT 19: Sefer Machaneh Efraim, Constantinople 1738. First Edition. A Wide-Margined Copy. . A complete copy of the fundamental work Machaneh Efraim, printed at Constantinople in 1738 and authored by R. Efraim Navon (1677-1735). This work contains novella and scholarly insights with regard to monetary ...
LOT 20: Classic: Sefer Dagul MeRivavah - The Noda B’Yehuda’s Glosses to Shulchan Aruch, Prague 1794. First Edition. . A complete copy of Sefer Dagul Merivavah, printed in Prague in 1794. This work contains the handwritten glosses and notes from the Noda B’Yehuda’s personal Shulchan Aruch. Ever since its ...
LOT 21: Tshuvos D’var Shmuel - With Ban Against Nathan HaAzati and Shabbetai Zevi, Venice 1702. First Edition. . Tshuvos D’var Shmuel was authored by R. Shmuel Abuhav (1610-1694), and is considered one of the most important responsa works. First (and perhaps only) edition, brought to print after his ...
LOT 22: Rare: Sefer Megillas S’tarim, Dyhernfurth 1819. First Edition. . Presented here is a complete copy of Sefer Megillas S’tarim, a fundamental commentary on Megillas Esther. It was authored by R. Yaakov Loberbaum of Lissa (1760-1832), author of the classical works on Shulchan Aruch – Nesivos ...
LOT 23: Rare: Sefer Pischei Teshuva Vol. I - Fundamental Commentary to Shulchan Aruch, Vilna 1836. First Edition. . Presented here is a complete copy of the Pischei Teshuva commentary to Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De’ah. First edition, as printed in Vilna in 1836. Authored by R. Avraham Zvi Eisenstadt ...
LOT 24: Machzor for the Entire Year According to Ashkenazic Rite, Amsterdam 1781. An Impressive Copy. . A beautiful, complete copy of the Amsterdam Machzor for the entire year, 1781. A pocket-sized edition, which includes prayers and supplements for Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkos, Pesach and Shavuos ...
LOT 25: Rare: Machzor for Shalosh Regalim, Sulzbach 1782 - With Additional Prayer In Manuscript - Only Known Extant Copy. . Presented here is the Sulzbach edition of the Machzor for Shalosh Regalim (i.e. Sukkot, Pesach, Shavuot), printed in 1782. Although this edition is fairly common, this copy ...
LOT 26: Orden De Ros-Asanah y Kipur - Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Amsterdam 1726. Printed Entirely in Spanish for Marrano Communities. . A complete copy of the Machzor for use during the High Holy Days - Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, according to the Sephardic Rite. Printed in Amsterdam ...
LOT 27: Rare: A Miniature Siddur - Printed Especially For Travelers to America, Fürth 1860. . A charming, miniature Siddur measuring only 8cm, printed especially for those traveling to the United States of America. Contains prayers for the entire year, including prayers for Rosh Hashanah and Yom ...
LOT 28: The Amsterdam Bible - Printed Entirely In Yiddish, Amsterdam 1687. With Unique Provenance. . Presented here is a complete copy of the Amsterdam Tanach, printed entirely in Yiddish by the Attias family in 1687. Includes the Chumash, Nevi’im Rishonim, Nevi’im Acharonim, Ketuvim and Chomesh ...
LOT 29: Seder Arba Ta’aniyos - Sephardic Rite, Venice 1798. . A complete copy of Seder Arba Ta’aniyos according to the Sephardic Rite. Printed in Venice in 1798. Contains all relevant prayers and supplications recited on fast days, as well as the Shacharit prayer. In overall good condition; light ...
LOT 30: Seder Haggadah Shel Pesach - Yiddish Translation, Venice 1663. With Striking Woodcut Illustrations. . A complete copy of the famed Venetian Haggadah with R. Yehuda Aryeh (Leon) de Modena’s classic Tzli Aish commentary. Venice 1663. This edition features striking, impressive woodcuts detailing ...
LOT 31: Passover Haggadah – Haggadah Shel Pesach, Livorno 1892. A Special Copy with Hand-Colored Illustrations. . A complete copy of the Livorno Passover Haggadah, with instructions in Ladino. Another edition was printed concurrently with instructions in Italian. The present lot is a special copy ...
LOT 32: Rare: Sefer Tehillim - Liber Psalmorum Hebraïce, Cambridge 1809. The First Hebrew Tehillim Printed in America. . Presented here is a complete copy of the very first part of any Hebrew Bible – as well as the first Hebrew Tehillim – to be printed in America. Not only was this edition received well ...
LOT 33: Rare: Sefer Orach Yamim, Venice Circa 1600. Personal Copy of R. Nochum Duber Friedman of Sadigura. . Presented here is an exceedingly rare ethical work authored by R. Shmuel Benveniste. of Venice. This work was written to teach and educate youth with proper ways of Chinuch. The author is of the ...
LOT 34: Sefer Hatrumos, Prague 1605. . A complete copy of Sefer Hatrumos, printed in Prague in 1605. Second Edition. Authored by R. Shmuel HaSardi one of the Chachmei Sefard, and disciple of the Ramban. This work deals with monetary issues and is arranged according to topics, each divided into separate ...
LOT 35: Sefer Ramban Al HaTorah, Venice 1545. Copy of R. Chaim Rappaport of Pinsk and Tzefas. . An early edition of Ramban’s fundamental commentary on the Torah, Venice 1545. With a masterful poem composed by the famed Eliyahu Bachur HaLevi. Various ownership inscriptions seen on title page, as well ...
LOT 36: A Collection of Rare and Important Title Pages, 15th-18th Centuries. . A collection of 10 rare and important title pages, as follows: Mishneh Torah – Rambam, Soncino circa 1490. An exceedingly scarce and important leaf from one of the most important Incunabula books printed. With a striking ...
LOT 37: Siddur Tefillas Nehora HaShalem - Nussach Ashkenaz - Slavita 1832. Two Parts In One Volume. . Presented here is the Slavita edition of Siddur Nehora, compiled by R. Aharon b. Yechiel Michel HaLevi. First published in Barditchev in 1811, Siddur Nehora was one of the most popular Hebrew prayer ...
LOT 38: Sefer Devarim - Zhitomir 1866. . A complete copy of the Chumash - Sefer Devarim, printed in Zhitomir by the Shapiro Brothers in 1866. With Rashi and Judeo-German (Ivri-Teirch). Includes Megillas Eichah and Koheles. With prayers for Shabbos - Nussach Ashkenaz. A near perfect copy, printed on ...
LOT 39: Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur - Nussach Sefard, Zhitomir 1866. With Tefillas Zakah. . A complete copy of the Zhitomir Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, printed by Chaninah Lipa and Yehoshua Heschel Shapiro in Zhitomir in 1866. This edition features the prayer services in ...
LOT 40: Lot of 4 Books Printed in Zhitomir - Shapiro Press. . A lot of 4 Hebrew Titles printed in Zhitomir, as follows: Nevi’im Rishonim (HaMagid) Vol. I, 1865. In excellent condition, printed on crisp white paper. Original binding, spine partially detached. Tur, Choshen Mishpat, 1858. In excellent ...
LOT 41: Sefer Ohev Yisroel - R. Avraham Yehoshua Heschel of Apta, Zhitomir 1863. First Edition. . A complete copy of the fundamental Chassidic work Ohev Yisroel, authored by R. Avraham Yehoshua Heschel of Apt. Besides for being the first edition of this work, this edition was likewise printed at the ...
LOT 42: Sefer Bamidbar, Slavita 1833. A Wide-Margined Copy. . A complete copy of the Chumash - Sefer Bamidbar, printed in Slavita 1833 by R. Shmuel Avraham Shapiro. With Rashi, Ba’al HaTurim and Sifsei Chachamim commentaries. Includes Megillas Rus. Without prayers for Shabbos, as in most Slavita ...
LOT 43: Shisha Sidrei Mishna - A Complete Set - Zhitomir 1851-1860. . A complete set of Mishnayos printed in Zhitomir. A mixed set, consisting of two volumes from the 1851 edition printed by Chanina Lipa, Aryeh Leib and Yehoshua Heschel Shapiro, and another four from the 1860 edition by Aryeh Leib ...
LOT 44: Sefer Tikunei HaZohar, Zhitomir 1865. With Approbation of R. Aharon of Chernobyl. A complete copy of Sefer Tikunei Zohar, printed by Chanina Lipa and Yehoshua Heschel Shapiro, Zhitomir 1865. This edition was printed based off the classic Constantinople edition, as indicated on the title page. ...
LOT 45: Sefer Lashon Limudim - Ramchal, Sudlikov 1836. Copy of R. Ze’ev Twersky of Trisk. . A complete copy of Sefer Lashon Limudim, a guide to basic Hebrew grammar and poetry, printed in Sudlikov in 1836. Lashon Limudim was the very first work authored by Ramchal at the age of 20. This edition was ...
LOT 46: Sefer Likutei Amarim - Tanya - The Vilna 1900 Edition. With Additional Printed Leaf. . A complete copy of Sefer Likutei Amarim - Tanya, the classic Chassidic work of R. Shneur Zalman Shneerson of Liadi. This edition is well known as perhaps the most accurate and complete edition, printed with a ...
LOT 47: Sefer Likutim Yekarim – An Early Chassidic Work With Teachings of the Ba’al Shem Tov, Circa 1800-1820. . An early edition of Sefer Likutim Yekarim, which contains anthologies of many of the founders of Chassidus, including the Ba’al Shem Tov and his greatest disciples, such as: R. Dov Ber Maggid ...
LOT 48: Sefer Kol Ya’akov, Venice 1658. First Edition. With Lamentations on Chmielnicki Massacres of 1648-1649. . A complete copy of Sefer Kol Ya’akov, a compilation of Derashos by R. Yaakov Koppel Margulies of Vladimira, printed in Venice in 1658. First edition. The Derashos are of Kabbalistic nature. ...
LOT 49: The Survivors’ Talmud – Complete Set – Munich 1948. . Presented here is a complete set of the famed “Survivors’ Talmud”, printed just three years after the Holocaust – the very first complete set of the Talmud to be printed in Europe after WWII. In the aftermath of the destruction of European ...
LOT 50: Biblia Hebraica - Goral HaGra Tanach, Amsterdam 1701. . Presented here is a complete copy of the Hebrew Bible printed in Amsterdam in 1701. According to tradition, this was the preferred edition by which to conduct the 'Goral HaGra', since it is printed in two columns with 'Pesuchos and ...
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