LOT 1: Controversy of the Amulets and Sabbateanism: Luchot Edut by Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschütz. First Edition. Work of Historic Importance. "Know that Rabbeinu Yehonatan Eybeschütz was answered falsely ... and that which was spoken against said gaon ... should be burned by fire" (from the text on the ...
LOT 2: Ya'arot Dvash. Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschütz. First Edition. Fundamental Work. Derashot by Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschütz. Two parts. Part I, Karlsruhe, 1779. Part II, 1782. First edition of the renowned sefer by Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschütz, later printed in many editions. With two approbations by ...
LOT 3: Kreiti U'Pleiti. Rabbeinu Yehonatan Eybeschütz. Altona, 1763. First Edition. Kreiti U'Pleiti - novellae and elucidations on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah by that gaon of geonim , Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschütz - the epitome of sharp and scholarly understanding. Altona, 1763. First edition. The only ...
LOT 4: First Book by Rabbi Akiva Eiger. First Edition, in the Author's Lifetime. Teshuvot Rabbi Akiva Eiger , Book I. Stunning illustrations along the length of the book. First edition, in the author's lifetime. Warsaw, 1835. This is the first edition (!) of the first book (!) by that gaon of geonim ...
LOT 5: Korban Netanel. Karlsruhe, 1755. First Edition in the Author's Lifetime. Sefer Korban Netanel - commentary on Piskei HaRo"sh for Seder Moed and Seder Nashim by Rabbi Ya'akov Wiel. Karlsruhe, 1755. First edition. Among the most well-known and important halachic works. The commentary was ...
LOT 6: Pe'at HaShulchan. Beck Press. Safed, First Edition. Pedigree Copy. Sefer Pe'at HaShulchan - laws of the Land of Israel compiled from the words of the Tana'im and the Rishonim per the Gr"a and his halachic methods, by Rabbi Yisrael of Shklov. Safed, Yisrael Beck Press. 1836, first edition. This ...
LOT 7: Gemara Sukkah. Berlin, 1726. Small Format, Printed on its own, not as Part of a Set of Sha"s. Tractate Sukkah from Talmud Bavli with commentaries by Rash"i and Tosafot, Torah Ohr, Piskei Tosafot and Chiddushei Maharsh"a and Maharsha"l. Small travel format. Berlin, 1726. Uncommon sefer . Lacking ...
LOT 8: Sha'agat Aryeh. Frankfurt am Oder, 1756. First Edition. Sha'agat Aryeh responsa by Rabbi Aryeh Leib b"r Asher of Metz [Ginzberg], printed in his lifetime, and by whose title he is known as the Ba'al Ha Sha'agat Aryeh . The author first printed the book with 103 simanim (of 108) with errata on ...
LOT 9: Shemirat HaLashon by the Chafetz Chaim. First Printing. Vilna, 1876. Sefer Shemirat HaLashon - important sefer from the works of Rabbeinu Yisrael Meir HaKohen of Radin that caused a historic revolution in avoiding improper speech. Vilna, 1876. First edition, printed anonymously. Printed in the ...
LOT 10: Tefillat Yisrael. The First Siddur Printed in German. Pedigree Copy. Tefillot Yisrael , Part II, including a siddur for the entire year in German translation, by David Friedlander. Two title pages, Hebrew and Yiddish-Deutch. Berlin, Chevrat Chinuch Ne'arim Press. 1786. Rare, sought-after siddur. ...
LOT 11: Siddur. Amsterdam, 1760. Miniature Siddur. Prayer book arranged per the Sephardic custom, for every month and every week, arranged in a way that there is no need to search around by flipping back and forth. And we have added several bakashot and mizmorim for after Shabbat and parashiyot for ...
LOT 12: Machzorim for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Venice, 1772. Miniature. Machzor per the custom of Kahal Kadosh Sephardim . Part III for Rosh HaShanah. Part IV for Yom Kippur. Venice, Bragadin Press, 1772. Beautiful miniature vowelized machzor in a beautiful print. Printed by the royal appointee ...
LOT 13: Alim LiTerufah by the Gr"a / Sha'arei Kedushah by Rabbi Chaim Vital. Aleppo, 1866. Signatures and Gloss. Iggeret HaGr"a printed in Aleppo: Sefer Alim LiTerufah - Iggeret Mussar by the Ramba"m and Iggeret Mussar by Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna [the Gr"a]. Aleppo, 1866 There are several differences ...
LOT 14: Sha'ar Ruach HaKodesh and Sha'ar HaGilgulim. First Editions. Pedigree Copy. Glosses. Pair of two of the most important sefarim in Kitvei HaAr"i z"l : Sha'ar Ruach HaKodesh and Sha'ar HaGilgulim . Bound together with separate title pages. First editions. Jerusalem, Yisrael Beck Press. 1863. ...
LOT 15: Naggid U'Matzah by Kabbalist Rabbi Ya'akov Tzemach. With a Segulah from the Ar"i for Women in Childbirth. Sefer Naggid U'Mitzvah - customs and the intent of mitzvahs per the Ar"i's Kabbalah, by the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbi Ya'akov Tzemach, whose glosses adorn the Ar'I's writings - he was one of ...
LOT 16: Talmud Bavli. Vilna, 1859. First Edition of the Rasha"sh. Original Leather Binding. Complete and important set of the Talmud in 25 volumes - all volumes of the Babylonian Talmud with its commentaries, and volumes of the Ri"f. Vilna, Yosef Reuven Re'em Press. Printed 1858-1866. Original leather ...
LOT 17: Shem Gedolim. Livorno, 1798. Edition with Supplements Printed by the Chid"a in his Lifetime. Shem HaGedolim - the Chid"a's most renowned bibliographic work with many new supplements. This is the revised version edited and arranged by the Chid"a himself, and printed in his lifetime. The Chid"a's ...
LOT 18: First Time at Auction: The Two Parts of the Sacred Segulah Book, Pele Yoetz, First Editions. "And if I merit viewing Hashem's pleasantness and contemplating his sanctuary, I will compensate well all who study my work ..." (the author's promise in his introduction) Sefer Pele Yoetz by the ...
LOT 19: Passover Haggadah: Simchat HaRegel. Chid"a. Livorno, 1782. First Edition. Simchat HaRegel Part I. Passover haggadah with the haggadah text and the Chid"a's commentary. Livorno, 1782. First edition. Printed in the author's lifetime. First edition of the haggadah printed with the renowned ...
LOT 20: Passover Haggadah. Trieste, 1864. Magnificent, with Etchings. "Only one haggadah from the nineteenth century can be viewed as sufficiently ambitious and befitting to create a new tradition, and that is the haggadah that appeared in Trieste in 1864" (Cecil Roth) Passover Haggadah with pictures ...
LOT 21: Ma'asei Hashem. Passover Haggadah, Venice, 1583. First Edition. Pedigree Copy. Sefer Gedolim Ma'asei Hashem . Elucidations on the Torah and topics on the Exodus from Egypt. With the entire haggadah text and a broad commentary on the haggadah by Rabbi Eliezer Ashkezani. Venice, 1583. First ...
LOT 22: Post-Incunabula: Avudraham. Constantinople, 1514. Incomplete Copy. Peirush HaBerachot V'HaTefillot - known by the name of its author, as Sefer Avudraham , by Rabbeinu David Avudraham - one of the most prominent Rishonim . HaMechokek Dtolan Provincial Press. Constantinople, 1514. Early (second) ...
LOT 23: Avudraham, Incunabula. Ashbona-Lisbon, 1489. Glosses. Peirush HaBerachot V'HaTefillot by Rabbeinu David Avudraham. Ashbona-Lisbon, Eliezer Toledano Press, 1489. Incunabula. Incomplete Copy. Early and most fundamental book on prayer customs and their sources, the traditions of the texts, and ...
LOT 24: Tzror HaMor by the Beit Yosef's Grandfather. Venice, 1545. Pedigree Copy. Sefer Tzror HaMor - elucidation of the Torah in its basic and Kabbalistic meanings, by Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Sabbe - the Beit Yosef's grandfather. Venice, 1545. Second edition. With a stamp by the sacred gaon Rabbi Moshe ...
LOT 25: Rav Alfas. Riva di Trento, 1558. Signatures and Glosses. Sefer Rav Alfas - halachic rulings in Talmudic order by Rabbeinu Yitzchak Alfas with elucidations by the Rishonim , proofread by Rabbi Yosef Ottolenghi. Part II. Riva di Trento, 1558. With the addition of Halachot Ketanot ; with the ...
LOT 26: Beit Yosef, Even HaEzer. 1553. First Edition Printed by the Author in His Lifetime. Even HaEzer im Nimukei Pe'er HaDor K'Mohar"r Yosef Karo ... HaBaki B'Chadrei Torah Karao Beit Yosef . Sabbioneta, 1559.Tur Even HaEzer by Rabbeinu Ya'akov ben HaRo"sh surrounded by Sefer Beit Yosef by Rabbi ...
LOT 27: Beit Yosef, Choshen Mishpat. 1559. First Edition, Printed in the Author’s Lifetime. Commentary and novellae by the gaon, the leader of the flock … Rabbi Yosef Karo. Sabbioneta, Tuviah Puah Press, 1559. First edition, printed by the author in his lifetime. Tur Choshen Mishpat surrounded by the ...
LOT 28: Meir Netiv. Venice, 1564. Pedigree Copy. Sefer Meir Netiv . Jewish concordance by Rabbi Mordechai Nathan of Provence, brought to print by Rabbi Meir Printz. Venice, Bragadin Press. 1564. Elucidation of every word and root in Tana"ch. Names of the Hebrew roots and names of the books of Tana"ch ...
LOT 29: Shu"t Maharalba"ch. Venice, 1565. First Edition. Fundamental Work. Sefer She'elot U'Teshuvot by Rabbi Levi ibn Chaviv (Maharalba"ch). Venice, 1565. First edition. With Kuntress HaSemichah . Beautiful copy. First edition of the important book of responsa of one the rabbinic leaders of the ...
LOT 30: Halachot Gedolot, First Edition. Venice, 1548. First Introduction for a Hebrew Book. Halachot Gedolot [Beha"g]. Venice, 1548. First edition of the most important book in halachic literature by the geonim . At the beginning of the book, there is a preface by the author. This is considered the ...
LOT 31: Shoshanat HaAmakim by the Alshich HaKadosh. Venice, 1591. First Edition. Meggilat Shir HaShirim with the Shoshanat HaAmakim commentary by Rabbi Moshe Alshich, with the Shir HaShirim text. Di Gara Press, 1591. First edition, printed by the author in his lifetime. Written about the author [in ...
LOT 32: Chavatzelet HaSharon by the Alshich HaKadosh. Venice, 1591. Printed in the Author's Lifetime. Sefer Daniel with the Chavatzelet HaSharon commentary by Rabbi Moshe Alshich and the text of Daniel. Di Gara Press, Venice, 1591. Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of Rabbi Moshe ...
LOT 33: Eynei Moshe by the Alshich HaKadosh. Venice, 1601. First Edition. Meggilat Ruth with the Eynei Moshe commentary by Rabbi Moshe Alshich. With the Megillat Ruth text. Venice, Juan di Gara Press. 1601. First edition, printed a year after the author's passing, by his son, Rabbi Chaim Alshich. Refer ...
LOT 34: Devarim Tovim, by the Alshich HaKadosh. Venice, 1601. First Edition. Sefer Kohelet with the Devarim Tovim commentary by Rabbi Moshe Alshich. With the text of Kohelet. Venice, Di Gara Press. 1601. First edition, printed one year after the author's passing, by his son, Rabbi Chaim Alshich. The ...
LOT 35: Na"ch with Ladino. Venice, 1638-1639. Glosses. Nevi'im Acharonim and Ketuvim from Tana"ch accompanied by a brief commentary "Peirush Milot Zarot" in Hebrew and La'az Sepahradi (Ladino) by Ya'akov Lombrozo. Venice, 1638-1639. With explanations of the words according to their vowelization and how ...
LOT 36: Abarbanel al HaTorah. First Edition. Impressive Copy. Peirush HaTorah MeHeChacham HaShalem Don Yitzchak Abarbanel . Venice, Juan Bragadin Press, by his faithful associate Asher Printzo. 1579. First edition of this important commentary on the Torah. Stefansky, Sifrei Yessod 12. Ginzei Yisrael - ...
LOT 37: Gedolei Terumah. Fundamental Adjudicative Work. Venice, 1643. First Edition. Sefer Gedolei Terumah - commentary on Sefer HaTerumot [with the text] by Rabbi Azaryah Fijo. Foundational book of financial halachah and law. Venice, 1643. First edition. Printed in the author's lifetime. Pedigree copy. ...
LOT 38: Chut HaShani. First Book by the Chavat Yair. Frankfurt, 1679. Signature by a Disciple of the Chata"m Sofer. Glosses. Sefer Chut HaShani - responsa by Rabbi Moshe Shimshon Bachrach and Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Bachrach, published by their son/grandson Rabbi Yair Bachrach (author of Chavat Yair ) with ...
LOT 39: Sefer Semichat Chachamim - Both Parts - Frankfurt am Main, 1704-1706. Pedigree Copy. Sefer Semichat Chachamim Part I - Birkat Hashem - Hakdamat Semichat Chachamim , and Part II, Kedushah U'Vrachah - novellae on Tractate Berachot, by the gaon and Kabbalist Rabbi Naftali HaKohen Katz, av beit din ...
LOT 40: Tana"ch. Antwerp, 1573. Bibliographically Unknown Title Page. Bibliographic Discovery. Torah, Nevi'im U'Ketuvim, without vowelization or cantillation markings. Antwerp, 1573. Special copy. The Tana"ch is printed in two columns, in small letters. The first kuntress marks all the verses, and ...
LOT 41: Birkat David by the Gaon of Butschatsch, First Edition. Lvov, 1845. Special Variant. Sefer Birkat David - Chassidic elucidations on Sefer Bereishit by the Admo"r Rabbi Avraham David Wormahn of Butschatsch. Lvov, 1845. First edition. Special variant. On the title page: Jihdas Rosanis Press ...
LOT 42: Beit Aharon, First Edition - Fundamental Karlin Doctrine. Pedigree Copy. Sefer Beit Aharon - Chassidism per the order of the weekly Torah portions and the festivals by the Admo”r Rabbi Aharon of Karlin. Brody, 1875. First edition. Fundamental work of Karlin Chassidut. One of the most famous and ...
LOT 43: Noam Elimelech - Very Rare Edition. Russia-Poland, C. 1920. Noam Elimelech by the Rebbe R' Elimelech of Lizhensk, with his will. [Russia/Poland press, early 19th century]. Square decoration in the center of the title page with the shape of a diamond and circles inside. Very rare edition of ...
LOT 44: Ateret Tiferet Yisrael - First Printing, Very Rare! Segulah Book with the Promises of Leading Admo"rim. “This book is full of holy Names and names of angels that are auspicious for healing and protection against the four primary types of damage and for bestowing blessing and success.” (The ...
LOT 45: Sha'arei Tziyun - Kabbalistic Prayers. Among the First Sefarim from Zhitomir. Pedigree Copy. Sefer Sha'arei Tziyun - Kabbalistic prayers and rectifications per the Ar"i, authored by Kabbalist Nathan Nota Hanover. Shapira Press, Zhitomir, 1848. Important prayer book printed in approximately 200 ...
LOT 46: Group of [3] Volumes of Mishnah Berurah with "Mugah" Notations Handwritten by the Chafetz Chaim?. Collection of three volumes of the fundamental work Mishnah Berurah by the rabbi of the entire Jewish people, Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen of Radin. This work became a cornerstone of the Jewish home. ...
LOT 47: Mishnat Chachamim. Early Edition. Beautiful Handwritten Dedication by Rabbi Aryeh Levin. Sefer Mishnat Chachamim by Rabbi Moshe Chajes. Second edition. Chernowitz, 1864. With approbations for the first time from the author of Divrei Chaim of Sanz and Rabbi Y.A. of Komárno. Pedigree copy that ...
LOT 48: Dibrot Moshe by the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Feinstein. First Edition. Warm Handwritten Dedication from the Author. "May [you] grow in Torah and good deeds, becoming the pride and joy of your parents and the entire Jewish people, Moshe Feinstein" (blessing from the posek hador ) Sefer Dibrot Moshe al ...
LOT 49: Rare Opportunity! Collection of [66] Sifrei Kodesh. Dozens of Unexamined Signatures. Large collection of [66] sefarim in [52] volumes. 1698-1929. Most of the books contain signatures, owners' notations or scholarly glosses.This collection has not been examined by us at all, and undoubtedly ...
LOT 50: Meorei Esh - First Work by the Posek HaDor the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. Beautiful Handwritten Dedication. Sefer Meorei Esh - Innovative work (in those days) about using electric lights on Shabbat - "Electric lights on Shabbat and Yom Tov" by the Posek HaDorot Rabbi Shlomo Zalman ...
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