ЛОТ 301: Hand-Painted and Framed Shiviti Board. Land of Israel, C. 1900. Colorful hand-painted "Shiviti" board. With the verse inscribed at center: "'שיויתי יקוק לנגדי תמיד.' Depictions of Rachel's tomb and of David's citadel on the right and on the left, and a picture of the menorah at the bottom and of ...
ЛОТ 303: Painted 'Mizrach, ' Unique and Beautiful Board. Jerusalem, C. 1917. Beautiful, ornate 'Mizrach' picture. Hand-painted depictions of sacred sites; verses and sacred Names in Assyrian script. Dedicated in memory of Rabbi Yitzchak Ze'ev Yadler. Jerusalem, C. 1917. Refer to the Hebrew catalog text ...
ЛОТ 304: Beautiful Jewish Art: Mizrach Board. Brass Plate. Europe, Early 20th Century. From the rising of the sun to its setting - G-d's name is praised Beautiful, impressive Mizrach board. Brass plate for hanging in a synagogue on the cantor's lectern or on the eastern wall, with engravings and ...
ЛОТ 305: Shiviti - Impressive Craftsmanship, Special, and Especially Rare. Afghanistan, 1958. Large and impressive Shiviti poster with a LaMenatzeach menorah and various verses, superbly handcrafted, with a floral frame in many colors. Beautiful scribal script. Afghanistan, 1859. Inscription around the ...
ЛОТ 306: Large, Impressive 'Mizrach' - Handmade Parchment Cutout. 20th Century. Especially large parchment cutout - handcrafted artwork on parchment, with floral frames integrated with gilt paint. This 'Mizrach' is based on the mishnah in Avot "Be courageous as a leopard, light as an eagle, swift as a ...
ЛОТ 307: Bronze Plaque - Inauguration of the New Building for the Yeshurun Synagogue in Frankfurt, 1907. Bronze plaque marking the inauguration of the new building for the Jeshurun synagogue in Frankfurt. Manufacturer: Karl Goetz. [Frankfurt, 1907] Relief of the synagogue building through a beautiful ...
ЛОТ 308: [3] Plate Signs - Synagogue Dedications. Three plates for ritual objects that were in synagogues, with the donor's names. Diamond-shaped wooden plate from 1865, in memory of Yonah Ringler and his wife, Yuttel. Metal plate, donated by Yosef Shaul Yaremish ... Metal plate, dedicated by R' ...
ЛОТ 309: Wooden Board for Inviting Ushpizin. Persia, C. 1900. Wooden board with black fabric pasted on it cut with a Persian inscription of the names of the Ushpizin, a star of David and the word "Tziyon" in the center. 40x24 cm. Framed. Fine condition. Minimal peeling paint on the frame, stained glass.
ЛОТ 310: Seder Plate. Ornate Porcelain. France, Early 20th Century. Large seder plate made of porcelain, colorfully decorated with motifs from the haggadah and seder plate simanim . France, early 20th century. Illustrations of slave labor in Egypt and of the exodus, with inscriptions "Chag HaMatzot" and ...
ЛОТ 312: Antique Leather Binding with Silver Plaques, Buckles and Clasps. Germany, Holland? Cent. 18. Impressive and elegant leather binding in a dark brown color, decorated and adorned with 14 impressive silver reliefs, with a pair of intact sliver buckles for locking. Antique leather binding ...
ЛОТ 313: One of a Kind: Magnificent Siddur Made by Yisrael Beck Especially for his Daughter. Siddur Rav Pninim with Tehillim and a commentary in Ivri Teitch. Large edition. Vilna, 1910? Separate title page for Tehillim. Special leather binding, magnificent and ornate, with an imprint of the Beck press's ...
ЛОТ 315: Siddur Tefillat Yisrael: Gebete der Israeliten nebst Pirke Aboth. Translated by J.N. Mannheimer. Vienna, 1864. Especially Impressive Volume. With prayers for weekdays, Shabbat, festivals, and high holidays. Translations in facing columns. With Pirkei Avot and more. Beautiful siddur that was ...
ЛОТ 316: Collection [4] Books with Leather and Wood Bindings - Bezalel, Jerusalem. Overall fine condition. Minimal abrasions and aging stains. Two bindings are partially detached. Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for details.
ЛОТ 317: Pair of 'Bezalel Jerusalem' Boxes. Etched Work . * Metal box for pads of paper. 6x9 cm. Etching with Moshe Moro's stamp. Bezalel, Jerusalem stamps. Made in Palestine. Very fine condition.* Metal cigarette case 6x8.5 cm. Etching of Jewish profiles. Bezalel, Jerusalem stamps. Made in ...
ЛОТ 318: Yissachar Ber Ryback - Album of [28] Magnificent Lithographs. Numbered Copy. Artist's Signature. Shtetl - large and elegant lithograph album by the artist Yissachar Ber Ryback. Published by Shveln, Berlin, 1923. Elegant and numbered bibliophilic edition, in the original fabric binding. The copy ...
ЛОТ 319: High-Quality Reproduction - Jews at the Western Wall - Alexander Bida - 20th Century. High-quality and especially large print - renowned painting by Alexander Bida depicting the Western Wall. This painting is considered one of the most outstanding paintings of the Western Wall, and served as a ...
ЛОТ 321: Huge, Rare Collection: Approximately [200] Etchings and Prints - The Land of Israel and Biblical Events. Especially large collection consisting of approximately [204] etchings and prints of the Holy Land, biblical figures and events. C. 18th-19th centuries. Various publishers and countries. ...
ЛОТ 323: Large Application on Velour Fabric, Ancient Jerusalem, Michael Filmus? Bezalel, Jerusalem. Early 20th Century. Large and colorful stencil print on black velvet fabric, of ancient Jerusalem. The work may have been carried out by the Tomer group, or at Michael Filmus's workshop. Al Aqsa Mosque ...
ЛОТ 324: Jerusalem and its Sacred Sites - Early Embroidery (Tapestry) Inspired by Simchah Yanover, Jerusalem? Early 20th Century. The embroidery is built around a central circle depicting the Western Wall, Midrash Shlomo and the Beit HaMikdash with two stars of David embroidered at the top. 13 tombs ...
ЛОТ 325: Ze'ev Raban - Original Painting for an Advertising Poster - Exodus from Egypt. "Eat matzah from the large mills of the Land of Israel"!! Original watercolor painting on especially large paper for an advertising poster made by the renowned Bezalel artist Ze'ev Raban, one of the greatest ...
ЛОТ 326: Ze'ev Raban - Shimshon HaGibbor Fighting a Lion. Stamped. Watercolor on paper. Hand-painted by renowned Bezalel artist Ze'ev Raban, one of the leading Hebrew artists in the Land of Israel. Signed. Painting size: 20x20 cm. Maximum size: 22.5x24 cm. Fine condition. Tiny tear in the center. ...
ЛОТ 327: Alois Heinrich Priechenfried, Portrait of a Rabbi . Oil on Panel. 16x20.5. Placed in a frame. Framed dimensions: 28x33 cm. Signed on the upper right. Very fine condition.
ЛОТ 328: Abel Pann - Ya'akov Avinu Descends to Egypt. Large work, pastel on paper, by the renowned artist Abel Pann. Stamped. Refer to the Hebrew text for a Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of Abel Pann. The painting is placed in a frame under glass. It has not been examined outside the ...
ЛОТ 329: HaTanach B'Temunot. Abel Pann. Jerusalem-Vienna. 1926. HaTanach B'Temunot shel Abel Pann -"Greatest Jewish Artist." First part - from Creation through the flood. Published by Julius Seltzer's Chevrat E"Y L'Hotza'ot Omanutit , Vienna, 1926. Large, impressive facsimile edition. Breathtaking color ...
ЛОТ 330: Ury Lesser - Rural Landscape, 1926. Watercolor on paper by Ury Lesser (1861 - 1931). Signed and dated on the lower right corner. Maximum dimensions: 29x23 cm. Framed: 59x53 cm. Fine condition. Three tiny perforations.
ЛОТ 331: Aquaduct-Caesarea. Shmuel Charuvi (1897-1965). Oil on canvas. Signed on the bottom right. Sh. Charuvi. 55x37 cm. Placed in a new frame with a fabric passe-partout. Very fine condition.
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