LOTE 1: Astrology and Kabbalah! Or Einayim - Cremona, 1557. Sefer Or Einayim. "The virtue of Israel and the good that the future holds and elucidating many wonderful matters of our sacred Torah" by the Chacham Rabbi Shlomo ben Avraham Peniel. Divided into three sections: I - Memshelet Hakochavim, II - ...
LOTE 2: Rare! Sefer Lev Aharon - First Edition Venice, 1608 Fine Copy. Sefer Lev Aharon, expanded commentary on Nevi'im Rishonim, by the Dayan of Fes Rabbi Aharon (ben Rabbi Avraham ibn) Chaim. Lived and operated in the 15th-16th century, author of Korban Aharon on the Sifra. This is the commentary on ...
LOTE 3: Original Bindings! complete Set of the Ezrat Hasofer Chumashim - Tikkun Sofrim the Vowelized Edition Amsterdam, 1767-1769. Set of the Ezrat Hasofer Chamisha Chumshei Torah, Tikkun Sofrim for a scribe with Vavei HaAmudim - an early custom by which every column of the Sefer Torah begins with the ...
LOTE 4: Complete Set, Original Bindings, Rare in Its Perfection and Beauty: Basic Book - Sha'arei Teshuvah of Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim - First Edition, Dunba, 1820 The Only Approbation by the Mitteler Rebbe. Shulchan Aruch of Tur Orach Chaim, a basic book to which were added for the first time the ...
LOTE 5: Bibliographically Unknown: Shechitot Uvdikot by the Mahari Weill in Dutch with Hand-Colored Illustrations - Amsterdam, 1852. Shechitot Uvdikot by the Mahari Weill with an addition of a commentary and Dinei Nikur in Dutch. Most of the text is in Dutch with some Hebrew. Foreword in a foreign ...
LOTE 6: Extremely Rare, Fine Copy : "Ripe Old Age with No Sorrow and Troubles" the Promise of the Author Rabbi Chaim Palachi: Kol Hachaim - Izmir, 1880. Sefer Kol Hachaim by Rabbi Chaim Palachi which is a special Seder Limud and Tefillah with Mamarei Hazohar "for anyone who reached the age of ...
LOTE 7: Unique and Extremely Rare! Igeret Mesaperet Yichusta DeTzaddikei DeAra DeYisrael - on the Holy Places of Eretz Yisrael and Sefer Chochmat Hamishkan - Works by Rabbi Yosef Shalit Riqueti - Single Edition Mantova, 1676. Volume with two books, small in quantity yet big in quality, by Rabbi Yosef ...
LOTE 8: Rare and Valuable! Ahavat Zion - Rare Historical Documentation of the First Aliyah of the Baal Shem Tov's Disciples - First Edition Variant - Horodna? 1790?. Sefer Ahavat Zion, "this book elucidates the roads of Zion and visits its halls" by Rabbi Simcha ben Rabbi Yehoshua Hass author of Binyan ...
LOTE 9: With the Rare Chassidic Approbation! Chibat Yerushalayim on the Holy Places - Jerusalem, 1844. Sefer Chibat Yerushalayim, original work documenting Eretz Yisrael and its holy places and towns, divided into Mamarim such as Mamar Ranenu Tzaddikim on the Rashbi Hillula on Lag BaOmer in Meiron ...
LOTE 10: Unique and Fascinating! Mateh Yehuda Zemirot Shabbat and Birkat Hamazon - First Edition Offenbach, 1721. Sefer Mateh Yehuda, unique work on Zemirot Shabbat and Birkat Hamzaon, divided throughout into two sections: commentary and glosses with important grammatical comments. Includes also Dinim ...
LOTE 11: Unique Variant! Sefer Kibbutz Tefillot which is Seder Tikkun Leil Hoshana Rabba - "Printed for the First Time" Amsterdam, 1733. Sefer Kibbutz Tefillot, which is Seder Tikkun Leil Hoshana Rabba. "Printed for the first time by the order of Aharon da Kosta Avbanda in Amsterdam...". Printed by Rabbi ...
LOTE 12: Rare in Rare Condition! Ashmorot and Machzor Rosh Hashana according to the Custom of the Aṿignyon Community - First Edition Amsterdam, 1763-1766 . Remnants of the Southern-France communities! Two important and rare prayer books "according to the custom of the Aṿignyon community"- Seder ...
LOTE 13: *Rare! Set of the Three Sections of the Prayer Book of the Southern France Communities - First Edition Aix, 1855. Volume with the three sections of the Siddur, for the days of the week, Sabbath, Sheloshet Haregalim and Yamim Noraim, according to the custom of the Jewish communities of Carpentras ...
LOTE 14: Extremely Rare: Siddur Dover Shalom by the Maggid of Vilna - Surprising Chassidic References - First Edition Vienna, 1862. Siddur Dover Shalom, Poland custom, Ashkenaz version. Prayers for all year round including the Mo'adim, Pidyon Haben, and marriage, Pirkei Avot and Haggadah, Tzidduk Hadin ...
LOTE 15: Rare: Siddur Or Hayashar - by the Order of the Admor of Belz - Bilgoray, 1928 - Approbations by the Sons and Grandsons of the Maharid of Belz. Siddur Or Yashar - Siddur HaRamak including Or Hayashar by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch of Posen with Or Tzaddikim by Rabbi Meir Poppers - printed by Yisrael Schward ...
LOTE 16: Copy of Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Schor Author Minchah Chadasha and the Admor of Proshkov the Son of HaYehudi Hatov of Gustinin - Basic Book: Shita Mekubetzet / Aseifat Zekenim on Masechet Bava Kama - First Edition Venice, 1762. Shita Mekubetzet / Aseifat Zekenim by Rabbi Bezalel Ashkenazi on ...
LOTE 17: Handwritten Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margolis of Brod on Shut Pri Tevu'ah - First Edition Novi Dvohr, 1796. Shut Pri Tevu'ah, dealing with Dinei Mamonot and Hilchot Issur Veheiter. By the Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Leib Margolis Av Beit Din of Shebrashin, the author of varied science ...
LOTE 18: The Rambam of the Gaon of Kunto Author of Zayit Ra'nan: Complete, Elegant Set Printed by Atias of Mishneh Torah Rambam Michtav - Prototype Edition Amsterdam, 1702. Set of the Rambam's Mishneh Torah / Hayad Hachazakah, complete set, with Maggid Mishneh, Kesef Mishneh, Lechem Mishneh and more of ...
LOTE 19: Interesting! Handwritten Signatures of Rabbeinu the Malbim on Moreh Nevochim with the Commentaries of the Narvoni and Givat Hamoreh 3 Sections - Berlin, 1791-1795 . Sefer Moreh Nevochim, the Rambam's famed work, with two commentaries, one by Rabbi Moshe Narvoni and one titled Givat Hamoreh by ...
LOTE 20: Stamp and Glosses of the Sdei Chemed and Rabbi Chaim Berlin: Mishkenot HaRo'im Shut and Eulogies - Rare Chassidic Book First Edition Lemberg, 1865. Sefer Mishkenot HaRo'im, section I Halachic Shut and section II eulogies for Gedolei Yisrael (see below). By the Admor Rabbi Yechiel Michl Hibner ...
LOTE 21: Dozens of Significant Glosses! Copy of Rabbi Alexander Yonasson Austreich: Sefer Maginei Eretz (Shulchan Aruch) First Edition of Even HaOzer Fine Copy - Amsterdam, 1754 . Amal Torah! The book contains dozens of comments and significant glosses on the margins of the sheet in ancient Ashkenazic ...
LOTE 22: Basic Book with Glosses! Tosefet Shabbat - First Edition, Frankfurt an der Oder 1767. Lamdanut and Yegi'ah! The book contains many lengthy and significant glosses indicating the vast knowledge and deep understanding of their anonymous writer. The important writer is not content with Pipul ...
LOTE 23: Sefer Ohel David by Rabbi David Deutsch with Glosses Handwritten by the Author Referring to Rabbeinu the Baruch Ta'am - First Edition Wien, 1819-1825. The first section that was printed of Sefer Ohel David, the famed work by Rabbi David Deutsch on Masechet Pesachim - first edition - Vienna ...
LOTE 24: Signature and Glosses by Rabbi Shmuel Salant Mara DeAra DeYisrael: Tur Even HaEzer - Kopust, 1836. Tur Even HaEzer "as printed in Dhyrenfurth [1790-1796] and revised in Slavuta [1801-1802]..." Printed by Rabbi Shabtai ben Shimon Slavin in Kopust 1836. 172 leaves. Mispagination. Printed partly on ...
LOTE 25: An Entire Unpublished Work! Countless Glosses on the Sheets of Masechet Berachot Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zvi Schick Av Beit Din of Karcag: Masechet Berachot - First Editions of the Glosses by the Noda BiYehuda and the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Eiger - Prague, 1830. ועתה כתבו לכם Amal and ...
LOTE 26: Lengthy Glosses Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi David Moskovich Av Beit Din of Bonyhad: Shut DEvar Avraham with the Author's Stamps and Corrections - First Edition Warsaw, 1906. Shut Devar Avraham, with Chidushei Halachot and Beurei Sugyot by the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Dober Kahana Shapira Av Beit Din ...
LOTE 27: Manuscript of a Drush for Shabbat Hagadol by an Unknown Writer - Europe 18th Century. Manuscript of 4 pages, fine script, containing a wonderful Drush, apparently a draft of a sermon for Shabbat Hagadol. The Drush begins with the verse of the Haftara of Shabbat Hagadol - "וערבה לה' מנחת יהודה ...
LOTE 28: The Torah of the Geonim of Poland - Large Manuscript of Twenty-Eight Pages - Hadranim on the Shas - Ostrovtza? Poland the 19th Century . Special and important - large manuscript of 28 pages - Hadranim on the Shas - written in the style of the Admorim of Ostrovtza. Possibly, this is a copying of ...
LOTE 29: Treasure Trove! Hundreds of Leaves with Chidushim, Letters and Responsa Handwritten and Signed by the Gaon Rabbi Yisrael Zeev Minzburg Rosh Av Beit Din Chassidim of Jerusalem. Valuable treasure! A collection of writings and printed items by and handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Yisrael Zeev ...
LOTE 30: Orante Shechita Document Scribal Script on Parchment! With Addiitons Handwritten and Signed by the Geonim the Chacham Bashi Rabbi Yaakov Hacohen of Selthon and Rabbi Nachum Etrog Rosh Av Beit Din of Safed - Beirut! 1917. Semicha document for a Shochet from Beirut, Lebanon! Fine, artistic scribal ...
LOTE 31: Two Shetarot Eirusin of Pedigreed Families - the Margolis, Luria and Heiman Families - Deyzh, Safed - ca. 1873-1917. Two Shetarot Eurusin (engagement documents) of father and son of the Margolis family - with the in-laws Rabbi Aharon Yosef Luria and Rabbi Shimshon Heiman, the son-in-law of Rabbi ...
LOTE 32: Grammar Polemic! The Dispute between the Yavetz and the Razah: Sefer Tzach Sefatayim - Single Edition Zholkva, 1810. Sefer Tzach Sefatayim, "containing all the wisdom of grammar" by Rabbi Shimon Levi ben Eliezer Pulmer - Single Edition Zholkva, 1810. [1], 40 leaves. Originally, there was an ...
LOTE 33: Maharatz Chayes Polemic! Lechem She'arim - Published by Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer - Single and Rare Edition Vienna, 1863. Sefer Lechem She'arim by the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Leib ben Rabbi Yosef Shmuel Katz, Dayan of Nikolsburg. The book contains Hasagot on Sefer Sha'arei Binah that was published a ...
LOTE 34: Extremely Rare! Early Zealotry Broadside against Agudat Yisrael Issued by HUngarian Rabbis and Admorim Headed by the Minchat Elazar of Munkatch and Rabbi Yoel of Satmar - Munkatch, ca. 1923. Extremely rare document, a historical indication of the first zealotry wars and the relationship between ...
LOTE 35: Extremey Rare! The Belz Munkatch Controversy: HaEdot Vehamishpatim - Lemberg, 1927. Sefer HaEdot Vehamishpatim containing two sharp articles against the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Elazar Shapiro, the Minchat Elazar of Munkatch. The first article includes the "deeds" of the Munkatcher Rov and the second ...
LOTE 36: Rare! The Polemic of the Vizhnitz, Kosov and Atinia Kollelim - One of the Only Books that were Printed in Vizhnitz 1913. Sefer Tavna Ledinana, the fascinating content deals with an explosive subject that often led to heated controversy amongst important Jewish communities: the Rabbi Meir Baal ...
LOTE 37: Inside the Barbed Wires of Cyprus - Important Collection of Letters and Documents from the Estate of the Gaon Chassid Rabbi Yisrael Noah Brisk Rosh Av Beit Din of the British Detention Camps of Cyprus. She'erit Hapletah - important collection of letters and documents - from the estate of the ...
LOTE 38: Ancient Safed - Collection of Five Ma'asshe Beit Din Signed by the Rosh Av Beit Din Rabbi Shimshon ben Rabbi Feivish and the Dayan Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rudnik - Safed, 1884-1894 - Extremely Rare!. Collection of five Ma'asshe Beit Din, documents and statements, lengthy and impressive - Signed ...
LOTE 39: Pre-HaEidah HaChareidit Era - Early Psak Din by the Rabbis of Jerusalem - the Geonim Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Shapia, Rabbi Shaul Elchanan Yoffe and Rabbi Zevulun of Bialystok - 1895. Zichron Eidut - for selling the inheritance rights of a house in Safed - signed by the Dayanim of Badatz Ashkenazim of ...
LOTE 40: My Signature... is a Fake!!! Letter with Unique and Important Content - Signed by Maran Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld Gaon Av Beit Din of HaEidah HaChareidit - Jerusalem, 1924. "לדקדק על חתימת שמי שתהא בכתב ידי ממש" (!!!) - fascinating letter signed by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld Gaon ...
LOTE 41: Historical Letter of Zealotry Handwritten and Signed by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld Gaon Av Beit Din of HaEidah HaChareidit. "וזולתם אינם בהכלל כי אפשר גרועים מצד אחד" - letter of zealotry handwritten and signed by the Gaon Av Beit Din Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld - about the ...
LOTE 42: Lengthy Letter Handwritten by Maran Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook - Recommendation for the Torat Chaim Yeshiva Where many of His Disciple Studied - Jerusalem, 1932. Lengthy and warm letter of recommendation - handwritten entirely by Maran Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook, the Chief ...
LOTE 43: Most Important Historical Letter! Handwritten and Signed by the Gaon the Rosh Av Beit Din Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis - about Accepting a Rabbinic Position in Jerusalem - Kalwaria, 1939. "מפצירים בי לשבת אתם ולשרת בקודש כמקדם" (They plead with me to sit with them and Lesharet Bakodesh as ...
LOTE 44: Letter of Recommendation and Blessings Handwritten and Signed by Maran the Posek Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. Lengthy and warm letter of recommendation - handwritten entirely by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach - written for the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Sofer, the Rosh Yeshiva of ...
LOTE 45: Large Collection of Letters by Rabbis and Mashpi'im - Eretz Yisrael, Mid-9th - Mid-20th Century . Collection of ten letters by important rabbis on interesting subjects - Safed, Tiberius, Haifa and more. 1. Large deed of sale - between Rabbi Yitzchak Matityahu Luria and Rabbi Elazar Moshe ...
LOTE 46: Elegant and Pedigreed Copy with Glosses! Volume of Otzar Sifrei HaGra - Some of Them First Editions Jerusalem, 1895-1903. Thick volume with works by the Gaon the Chassid Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna. Inside the copy, appearing several times is stamps of "נטע צבי ווייס יליד ירושלם עה"ק" with an ...
LOTE 47: "Mugeh" and an Additional Notation on the Volumes! Set of Mishnah Berurah Published in Rabbeinu the Author's Lifetime - Warsaw / Piotrkow, 1896-1910. Set of Mishnah Berurah, the basic book by Rabbeinu Yisrael Meir Hacohen of Radin, the Chafetz Chaim. On most of the volumes of the set, the ...
LOTE 48: Basic Book! Meshech Chochmah by the Gaon of Dvinsk - First Edition Riga, 1927. Sefer Meshech Chochmah "elucidation and commentary, ideas and Drushim, comments and Chidushim on Chamisha Cgumshei Torah - authored by the will of Avinu Shebashamayim" by the Gaon Rabbi Meir Simcha Hacohen Av Beit ...
LOTE 49: Basic Book in an Original Binding: Chidushei Rabbi Chaim Halevi (Brisk) - First Edition Brisk, 1936 Fine Copy on Quality Paper. Chidushei Rabbi Chaim Halevi "Chidushim and commentary on the Rambam" by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Halevi Soloveitchik Av Beit Din of Brisk. A scholarly, groundbreaking book ...
LOTE 50: Glosses by Rabbeinu the Natziv Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin the Rosh Yeshiva of Volozhin on the Pri Megadim - Zholkva, 1811. Sefer Pri Megadim, on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah (without the text of the Shulchan Aruch). Zholkva, 1811. [2], 141, 9 leaves. 37 cm. The 9 last leaves contain "Chidushei ...
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