Fall for October Uncurated Estate Finds

Por Willow Auction House

2 Frassetto Way Lincoln Park, NJ 07035, Estados Unidos

Our October Uncurated auction features more than 400 lots of art, furniture, decorative items, jewelry and comic books. Highlights include a set of Easton Press leather bound books, a French 950 silver flatware set, Pedro Friedeberg silkscreens, French copper cookware, a Budweiser advertising clock, Murano Mezza Filigrana bowls, and John Hutton for Donghia chairs. The collection of comic books includes Swamp Thing 37, featuring the first appearance of John Constantine, as well as silver age Swamp Thing 1-15. The sale also includes a collection of minerals, shells and fossils, as well as Pre-Columbian pottery and a William Switzer buffet.

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