ЛОТ 1: Segulah for Wealth! Derashot for Shavuot Handwritten by Rabbi Hersheleh of Liska, Teacher of Rabbi Yeshayaleh of Kerestir. "They would say that everyone who offers incense would become wealthy and his funds would multiply" (Ramba"m) Autograph [2 pp, approximately 800 words!] comprising two ...
ЛОТ 2: The Admo"r Rabbi Yehudahleh Horowitz of Dzikov's Tikkun Leil Shavuot . "He who occupies himself with Torah all night - is promised to live out the year; that nothing bad will happen to him that year" Study schedule for the night of Shavuot, Rödelheim, 1867. Personal copy that belonged to ...
ЛОТ 3: The First Tikkun Leil Shavuot Ever! Venice, 1648. Extremely Rare. "Service for Recital and Rectification for the night of the Shavuot Holiday and Hoshana Rabba ... Mixed with Tana"ch, Mishnah, Halachot and Haggadot." Venice, Vinderamin Press, 1648. Extremely important and rare work. To the best ...
ЛОТ 4: 'Tikkun Lei Shavuot' - Copy that Belonged to the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbi Shalom Hediah. Kri'ei Moed - service for the seventh night of Passover and Tikkun Leil Shavuot . Personal copy of the rosh yeshivah of the Beit E-l Kabbalists' yeshivah and leader in Jerusalem, Rabbi Shalom Hediah. ...
ЛОТ 5: 'Tikkun Lei Shavuot' - Copy that Belonged to the Elder Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Kadouri. "... he is promised to live out the year; that nothing bad will happen to him that year"! Kri'ei Moed , service for Shavuot night. Jerusalem, 1952. Personal copy that belonged to the elder Kabbalist ...
ЛОТ 6: & - Letter Loaded with Blessings for Shavuot from the Admo"r of Gur, the Author of Beit Yisrael . Rare letter, relatively lengthy [approximately 80 words], loaded with blessings, entirely handwritten and signed by the Admo"r Rabbi Yisrael Alter, author of Beit Yisrael of Gur, to Rabbi Ephraim ...
ЛОТ 7: Tikkun Leil Shavuot. Yemen, 18th Century. Tikkun Leil Shavuot service, including a prayer to be recited before study, Torah, Prophets and Writings. Mishnah and Idra. The title on the top of each leaf bears the name of each part. Beautiful, orderly script. Decorations on some of the leaves. [83] ...
ЛОТ 8: Three Megillahs with Seder Tikkunei Leil Shavuot and Shvi'i Shel Pesach. Yemen, 19th Century. Three Megillahs [ Ruth, Shir HaShirim and Kohelet ] with vowelization and cantillation, and Rash"i and Targum. Includes Seder Tikkun Leil Shavuot with the Idra Abba Kadisha , and Seder Tikkun Shvi'i ...
ЛОТ 9: The Shla"h's Prayer for the Eve of Rosh Chodesh Sivan. New Scribal Script on Parchment. Especially Large. Tefillat HaShla"h HaKadosh is a parents' prayer for their children, established to be recited on Rosh Chodesh Sivan, written on parchment by an expert scribe, in a beautiful illuminating ...
ЛОТ 10: The Early Ashkenazic Hymn, "Akdamot Milin" Recited on Shavuot, Written on Parchment. Rolled scroll inscribed with the early Ashkenazic hymn, 'Akdamot Milin' traditionally sung by Ashkenzim on Shavuot. Written by an expert artistic scribe, in beautiful illuminating script. Beit Yosef script. ...
ЛОТ 11: New Meggilat Ruth for Shavuot, Written on Parchment. Large Lettering, Beautiful and Illuminating. New!. Megillat Ruth written on parchment by an expert artistic scribe, in beautiful and illuminating script. Beit Yosef script. As is known, it is a Jewish custom to read Meggilat Ruth on Shavuot. ...
ЛОТ 12: Drush V'Chiddush by Rabbi Akiva Eiger. Warsaw, 1839. First Edition. Drush V'Chiddush by Rabbi Akiva Eiger. Warsaw, 1839. First edition of the fundamental work. On the title page: Rabbinic owner's signature of Rabbi Michael Tzvi Zemter, Rabbi of Schwersenz, and an index for the Ktavim section on ...
ЛОТ 13: Vikuach Mayim Chaim by the Mahara"l's Brother. Rare Copy. Including the Prayer for Sustenance. Vikuach Mayim Chaim is a debate and dispute about the words of Rabbi Moshe Isserlis - the Ram"a - in his work Torat Chatat about the laws of issur v'hetter , by the wondrous gaon and Kabbalist Rabbi ...
ЛОТ 14: Arugah Ketanah. First Edition. Uncommon Book. Arugah Ketanah - unique work on the 248 positive commandments, written in rhyme by Rabbi Daniel Kalif. Hamburg, 1787. First edition. Rare book. This is an interesting work about the positive commandments, divided into chadarim and arugot with ...
ЛОТ 15: Shem HaGedolim. Livorno, 1798. Edition with Supplements Printed by the Chid"a in his Lifetime. Shem HaGedolim - bibliographic and most renowned work by the Chid"a, with many new supplements. This is the revised edition edited and arranged by the Chid"a himself and printed by him as well. Books ...
ЛОТ 16: Kreiti U'Pleiti. Karlsruhe, 1773. First Edition. Kreiti U'Pleiti - novellae on the halachahs of niddah. This is the first edition of the most famous book by that gaon of geonim, the symbol of sharp and scholarly understanding, the Kabbalist Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschütz. Karlsruhe, 1773. Shulchan ...
ЛОТ 17: Shu"t Noda BiYehudah. First Edition. Prague, 1811. Impressive copy. Shu"t Noda BiYehudah Tanina - two parts - responsa on the four parts of Shulchan Aruch by Rabbeinu Yechezkel HaLevi Segal Landau, av beit din of Prague. Prague, 1810-1811. First edition. Two parts in one volume. Separate title ...
ЛОТ 18: Passover Haggadah - Virginia, 1956. Rare. Passover haggadah for a model seder. Hebrew and English, with illustrations. A Passover Haggadah for a model Seder: for Jewish personnel in the Armed Forces of the United States / edited and illuminated by the Office of the Jewish Chaplain. Fort Belvoir ...
ЛОТ 19: Zamir Aritzim - Group of [3] Polemic Books Opposing the Chassidim. Among the Sharp Works by Ephraim Dinard. * Zamir Aritzim HaRishon "As has almost never been seen by anyone on Earth" (text on the title page). Reprinted, with a preface by Ephraim Dinard. Kearny, New Jersey, at the author's ...
ЛОТ 20: Melechet Machshevet. Venice, 1710. First Edition. Melechet Machshevet al HaTorah by the gaon, the philosopher Rabbi Moshe Chefetz [1664-1712], one of the leading sages of Italy. First edition. Venice, 1710. The book was printed in Venice and deals with scholarly and philosophical commentaries ...
ЛОТ 21: Siddur Seder Nehora HaShalem, with Hagahot HaGr"a. Vilna-Horodna, 1823. Siddur Tefillah Zakkah V'Seder Tefillot Nehora HaShalem - two parts. Vilna-Horodna, at Menachem Mann and R' Simchah Zemmel Press, 1823. With "Glosses about the prayer and blessing texts from the gaon, Rabbi Eliyahu." ...
ЛОТ 22: Luchat Edut. Altona, 1755. Work of Historic Importance. Apologetic work by Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschütz, with letters and poster from rabbis, parnassim and community leaders, who stood at his side. First edition. Copy lacking the end. Main work by Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschütz to justify his path ...
ЛОТ 24: All Issues of the Important Torah Journal, Torah MiTziyon, Copies that Belonged to Rabbi Shmuel Salant. Torah MiTziyon - the main Torah anthology printed in Jerusalem, with Torah novellae in halachah and aggadah. The anthologies were published over ten years [1887-1905] for a total of ...
ЛОТ 25: & - Todat Shlamim - Copy that was Owned by the Gaon Rabbi Michael Shimon Maya, Author of 'Chiddushei Hagahot' on the Tur. ספר תודת שלמים, כולל ב' חלקים בשערים נפרדים: א. זבחי תודה לקט ראשונים על מסכת נדה. ב. לחמי תודה שו"ת לרבי ישעיהו באסאן. דפוס פואה. ונציה, תק"א [1741]. העותק של הגאונים רבי מיכאל ...
ЛОТ 26: Mishneh LaMelech - First Edition. Including the Rare Leaves. Pedigree Copy. Mishneh LaMelech - novellae on the Ramba"m by Rabbi Yehudah Rosanes, the most prominent commentator on the Ramba"m, known by the name of this book, as the author of Mishneh LaMelech . First edition of this fundamental ...
ЛОТ 27: Ben Garani with the Approbation of Rabbi Chaim Aharon David Deutch, Rabbi of Yarmut. Ben Garani - a work on chamishah chumshei Torah by Rabbi Yosef Yisrael Deutch, Rabbi of Balassagyarmat. Turna, 1931. First edition, handwritten dedication from the author's son, Rabbi Chaim Aharon David Deutch ...
ЛОТ 28: Yad David by the Gaon Rabbi David of Karlin. With Signatures from the Author. Pedigree Copy. Halachic rulings from the Ramba"m's Hilchot Ishut, with the Yad David elucidation by the renowned gaon and Lithuanian wonder-worker Rabbi David Friedman of Karlin. Part II. Warsaw, 1901. Copy that ...
ЛОТ 29: Aruch HaShulchan, First Edition. Handwritten Author's Dedication. Aruch HaShulchan about the halachahs of niddah and mikvehs is one of the most important books of halachic rulings. First edition. Warsaw, 1901. Authored by the gaon Rabbi Yechiel Michel Epstein, av beit din of Novardok, known as ...
ЛОТ 30: Yerushalmi-Zeraim. Early Scholarly Glosses. Kapust, 1812. "I hereby decree ... that they will be pleased with what they hear and they will receive a blessing of goodness - these are the words of he who speaks justly ... Levi Yitzchak" (approbation of the 'Kedushat Levi') Talmud Yerushalmi on ...
ЛОТ 31: Sefer HaMakneh. Offenbach, 1801. Copy that was Given by the Author of Hafla'ah. Sefer HaMakneh - Part II of Sefer Hafla'ah novellae on Tractate Kiddushin and the related halachahs, by Rabbi Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz, rabbi of Frankfurt. Offenbach, 1801. First edition. [5], 256 leaves, 32 cm. ...
ЛОТ 32: Shem HaGedolim. Vilna, 1856. Copy that Belonged to Rabbi Eliyahu Betzalel Teitelbaum, Son of the Admo"r, Author of 'Yetev Lev'. Shem HaGedolim - in two parts, Vilna, 1856. Bound with: Chasdei Avot , a commentary on Tractate Avot by the Chid"a. Vilna, 1856. Appearing on the title page of Part I ...
ЛОТ 33: Mekor Chayim. Copy that Belonged to the Chatam Sofer's Beloved Disciple. Signature and Glosses. "My close and beloved disciple, the extremely diligent and double-edged sharp Rabbi Baruch Frankel (Shu"t Chatam Sofer) Mekor Chayim , novellae and elucidations on Passover halachahs by Rabbi Ya'akov ...
ЛОТ 34: 'Chiddushei Chatam Sofer' with a Stamp and Gloss by his Disciple, the Admo"r of Nonash, Rabbi Yisrael Ephraim Fischel Sofer Schreiber. Chiddushei Chata"m Sofer al Masechet Shabbat by the leading gaon, Rabbi Moshe Sofer. Vienna, 1889. First edition. Personal copy that belonged to the Chata"m ...
ЛОТ 35: Pnei Yehoshua. Set of Four Volumes. First Edition. Set of Chiddushei Pnei Yehoshua al HaShasby the gaon Rabbi Ya'akov Yehoshua Falk, rabbi of Lvov, Berlin and Frankfurt, known by the name of this book, as the "author of Pnei Yehoshua ." Part I is lacking. Four volumes. Set printed over ...
ЛОТ 36: Sefer HaChinuch. Venice, 1600. Different Division for Parashat Mishpatim!. Sefer HaChinuch - written long ago by Ish Levi Barceloni. Di Gara Press, Venice, 1600. Leaves 6-7 and the index leaves bear handwritten glosses in Italian from the period of printing. This is the second edition of Sefer ...
ЛОТ 37: Shu"t Ram"a MiPano. Venice, 1600. First Edition. Shu"t HaRama"a MiPano - responsa and commentary on scholarly topics and practical halachah by the most prominent posek and Kabbalist of Italy, Rabbi Menachem Azariah Pano. First edition. Zanetti Press, Venice, 1600. This is the first edition of ...
ЛОТ 38: Mishneh Torah L'HaRamba"m. Amsterdam, 1702. Mishnah Torah L'HaRambam, Amsterdam, Attias Press, 1701 מכת"ב [תס"ב]. Important and proofread edition of the Ramba"m, by which later editions were printed. This edition is also known as the michtav ['מכת"ב'] edition due to the way the year is ...
ЛОТ 39: Tractates Nedarim and Sotah, Amsterdam, Benveniste Press, 1647. Copy that Belonged to the Gaon Rabbi Leib Amrich of Frankfurt, Rabbi Nathan Adler's Leading Disciple. Tractate Nedarim and Tractate Sotah, with Rash"i's and Tosafot's commentaries, Piskei Tosafot and Rabbeinu Asher, as well as ...
ЛОТ 40: & - Tana"ch. Antwerp. 1573. Original Wood and Leather Binding. Torah, Prophets and Writings "Written with the close supervision of Christophorus Plantinus. Antwerp, 1573. Printed in two columns, not vowelized. There is a change in the print between Bereishit and the rest of the Tana"ch. In ...
ЛОТ 41: Sefer Shemot. Venice, 1657. With the Signature of Rabbi Michel Shaier, One of the Chatam Sofer's Teachers. Sefer Shemot includes names of men and women, towns, rivers and countries, and the way they are to be written in divorce documents, by Rabbi Simchah Vriedman (Friedman), son of Gershon ...
ЛОТ 42: Tehillim - Tapuach Zahav by the Alshich HaKadosh. First Edition. Especially Rare. Tapuach Zahav - commentary on Psalms 1-41, with the Tehillim text, by Rabbi Moshe Alshich, known as "HaAlshich HaKadosh" Kori-Gishmi, 1597-1598. First edition of the Alshich's commentary to the Book of Psalms ...
ЛОТ 43: HaKavanot MeHaAr"i with Glosses by Rabbi Petachiyah, Av Beit Din of Frankfurt, Written in Prison Over 23 Days. Yasnitz, 1723. HaKavanot by the G-dly Rabbi ... Yitzchak Luria, ztzuk"l, with glosses by Rabbi Petachyah, av beit din of Frankfurt. Jasnitz, 1723. Beautiful architectural title page. ...
ЛОТ 44: Shu"t HaAlshich HaKadosh, Venice, 1605. First Edition. Signatures. She'elot U'Teshuvot by the renowned gaon Rabbi Moshe Alshich, proofread and printed by his son Rabbi Chaim Alshich, about fifty years after the father's passing, in Venice, 1605, at Jaun di Gara's press. In the preface to ...
ЛОТ 45: Shulchan Aruch, Amsterdam, from the Year נח"ת [1698]. With Pictures of Angels. Magnificent Complete Set in a Small Format . Shulchan Aruch with Hagahot HaRam"a, Be'er HaGolah and Biur HaMilot, intensively proofread. Amsterdam, Emmanuel Atias Press, 1697-1699. Four volumes. Complete set in ...
ЛОТ 46: & - Tana"ch. Paris, 1543-1546. Complete Set. Torah, Prophets and Writings. Paris, Roberto Stephanos Press. 1543-1546. Complete Set. Beautiful Tana"ch in small format, printed in attractive letters with vowelization. One of the most important editions of Tanach printed in the 16th century.The ...
ЛОТ 47: Halachot Gedolot, First Edition. Venice, 1548. First Introduction for a Hebrew Book. Halachot Gedolot [Beha"g]. Venice, 1548. First edition of the most important book in halachic literature by the geonim . At the beginning of the book, there is a preface by the author. This is considered the ...
ЛОТ 48: Ibur Shanim U'Tekufot. Venice, 1579. Official First Edition. Glosses . Ibur Shanim U'Tekufot - fundamental book about the Hebrew calendar, and the order of Torah and haftarah readings for the entire annual cycle "from 1539 to the end of time... " with the customs of various communities, by Rabbi ...
ЛОТ 49: Siddur Sha'ar HaShamayim [Shla"h]. Amsterdam, 1742. Segulah Book. "He had a great desire for this siddur ... and a covenant was made by him that if one performs according to this service, before shome'a tefillah , intending with all his might, his prayers will not go unfulfilled . (The ...
ЛОТ 50: Siddur Offenbach, 1806. With Psalms. Siddur Offenbach - "Prayer services with parshiyot , ma'aravot , yotzrot and selichot , the service for Yom Kippur Kattan, Shir HaYichud and Psalms." Offenbach, 1806. Thick siddur for the entire year with instructions in Yiddish and Psalms with a Yiddish ...
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