Penwith Online Auctions
St. Peters Hill, Newlyn, Cornwall, TR18 5EQ
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We are based in Penzance in Cornwall. All of our auctions are online only.
We offer free delivery in roughly the old Penwith area in the SW of Cornwall. You can also collect your goods from us.
For all other UK areas we offer a postage option.
Please note that at present we do not post internationally.
Our online auctions are held approximately every fortnight
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Subastas terminadas
Penwith Online Auctions - Subasta 91
FIXED PRICE ONE DAY SALE - Finishes Wed. 23rd August at 7.30pm
Penwith Online Auctions - Subasta 69
General Household Timed Auction - Finishes 4th December at 7.00pm
Penwith Online Auctions - Subasta 067
67th online auction: Running now - Finishes 7pm Oct 30th
Penwith Online Auctions - Subasta 066
66th online auction Started 2nd Oct - Running now - Finishes 7pm Oct 9th
Penwith Online Auctions - Subasta 064
64th online auction - Ends 7.00pm Saturday 4th September
Penwith Online Auctions - Subasta 063
63rd online timed auction; Starts 7.00pm Saturday 7th August and finishes precisely one week later.
Penwith Online Auctions - Subasta 062
62nd online timed auction - starts 10th July 7pm and finishes 17th July 7pm
Penwith Online Auctions - Subasta 061
61st Online Auction Starts 19th June @7.00pm & finishes 26th June @ 7.00pm
Penwith Online Auctions - Subasta 060
60th Online Timed Auction - Starts 7pm 5th June - Finishes 7pm 12th June 2021

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Support: +44 (0)330 808 0859, Sales: +44 7769 683963
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