Saluto Auctions
London, W1, United Kingdom
At Saluto Auctions we curate sales with beautiful, timeless and unique pieces across three categories; fine jewellery, timepieces and objects of vertu.
Buying at auction can become expensive for the buyer and, equally, can leave the seller with quite a raw deal. Traditional auction houses often charge high fees for the buyer and seller, sometimes totalling close to 50% of the hammer price.
We think these fees are too high and are shaking things up a bit, here's how:
• No seller’s fees
• Competitive buyer’s premiums
• Credit earned by the underbidder to be used for future
sales with Saluto Auctions
This is a unique offer from Saluto auctions!
There are a number of things at play when achieving a good result at auction, most importantly a winning and bullish bidder, but another essential criteria is a strong underbidder. To highlight their important role, we’re offering 2.5% credit to the underbidder on their last bid.
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