Leilão 002 Antiques Vintage and Collectables Auction.
Por AFS Auctions
25-29 Silver Street, Taunton, TA1 3HT, UK

Aloysius Fortescue & Smythe are pleased to announce their next Antiques Vintage and collectables Auction.

10 percent across the board, cafe on site and free parking, no hidden charges.

O leilão terminou

LOTE 73:

Omega Manual wind wristwatch and one Tissot gents wristwatch

Vendido por: £32
Preço inicial:
£ 10
Comissão da leiloeira: 10% Mais detalhes
IVA: 20% Sobre a comissão apenas
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21.2.24 em AFS Auctions

Omega Manual wind wristwatch and one Tissot gents wristwatch