LOS 43:
Rare, Oitsar Nechmod, Chidushei Ramban on Shabbos. Pressburg.1837 First print, never seen before ...
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Rare, Oitsar Nechmod, Chidushei Ramban on Shabbos. Pressburg.1837
First print, never seen before folio found in Firenza in the library of Family Fizero. Brought to print by Mordechai Leib Bislcis and edited and checked by the Great Gaon Rav Yaacov Orenshtein Rav of Lvov.
Original haskomos from the Great Rav Moishe Soifer the Chasam Soifer of Pressburg and Rav Yaacov Orenshtein.
Printed on thick yellow paper, good condition, original binding. See attached a few differences in lettering between this edition and the modern edition.
Height 24cm