LOTE 88851:
Unused Winton 5” Wood Chipper *PLUS VAT*
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Comissão da leiloeira: 10%
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IVA: 20%
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Unused Winton 5” Wood Chipper *PLUS VAT*
Ja - Unused Winton 5” Wood Chipper *PLUS VAT*
Suitable For 14-48HP Tractor
Weight Approx 200KG
PTO Driven
5” Max Branch Diameter
Require 540RPM
PTO Is Included
The Winton wood chipper attaches to a range of small or compact tractors and is ideal for clearing branches around woodlands and general smallholding maintenance.
4 flywheel blades and 1 bed blade all reversible to suit different applications
Can be attached to the 3 point linkage of a range of small or compact tractors.