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MG - Chandelier (2) - Melody 24L - Crystal - Baroque chandelierWe offer 2 beautiful baroque ...

Цена включает налог и комиссию

MG - Chandelier (2) - Melody 24L - Crystal - Baroque chandelierWe offer 2 beautiful baroque chandeliers
in crystal with Asfour rhinestone pendants
Particular and sumptuous luxury decorative objects suitable for spacious environments and public environments of renowned importance
They feature 24 lights on two floors rich in rhinestones, prism-shaped pendants and small goblets in quality RCR Cristalleria Italiana crystal.
with candle and lamp holder inside (also LED)
Bulbs not supplied

One of a kind design and creation of our own

Shipping with special packaging
Monitored assistance and shipping

Shipping costs
Shipping to United Kingdom: £ 68.94

Switzerland £ 68.94
China £ 109.62
Italy £ 23.05
Malta £ 68.94
Rest of Europe £ 42.00
Anywhere else £ 84.94

Shipping costs are for mainland destinations only.

Estimated delivery time

Once you make your payment, the seller is required to ship your order within 3 working days.

Shipping to your location (United Kingdom) from Italy usually takes 3-14 days.

Current safety precautions in some regions mean shipping might take a little longer. We are closely monitoring the situation and, so far, there haven’t been many delays. We’ll keep you updated if the situation changes.

Save shipping costs

You can pick up this object from the seller in: Fiumefreddo di sicilia, Italy

Can't be shipped with other objects

You're not able to combine shipping if you buy more than one object from the same seller in this auction.

Customs information

Any other costs or charges such as customs or import duties, customs clearance and handling may also apply during the shipment of your lot and will be charged to you by the involved party at a later stage if applicable.