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Losnummer: 40322-20254

La Murrina - Hanging lamp (2) - conical amber gold color - Murano glass in amber gold color ...

Preis einschließlich Steuern und Provision

La Murrina - Hanging lamp (2) - conical amber gold color - Murano glass in amber gold color
Splendid pair of La murrina Murano glass suspension lamps
Colors Amber gold varied as it comes out of the furnace of the Murano glass masters
Adjustable steel wire chromed plate attachment
They measure 40 cm high
diameter at the final point 19 cm

Tracked assistance and shipping
Show less  ERA
After 2000
MATERIAL  Murano glass in amber gold color
conical amber gold color
CONDITION  As new - unused
HEIGHT  40 cm
WIDTH  19 cm
DEPTH  19 cm
WEIGHT  5 kg
Uk from £68.95
Switzerland £ 68.94
China £ 109.62
Italy £ 23.05
Malta £ 68.94
Rest of Europe £ 42.00
Anywhere else £ 84.94

Shipping costs are for mainland destinations only.

Estimated delivery time

Once you make your payment, the seller is required to ship your order within 3 working days.

Shipping to your location (United Kingdom) from Italy usually takes 3-14 days.

Current safety precautions in some regions mean shipping might take a little longer. We are closely monitoring the situation and, so far, there haven’t been many delays. We’ll keep you updated if the situation changes.

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You can pick up this object from the seller in: Fiumefreddo di sicilia, Italy

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Any other costs or charges such as customs or import duties, customs clearance and handling may also apply during the shipment of your lot and will be charged to you by the involved party at a later stage if applicable.

Anzahl der Einheiten:  2