The auction will take place on Wednesday, April 19, 2023, at 19:00 (Israel time).
Dear customers, an interesting catalog of many important and unique historical items in the many fields in which we deal, including some that have never been seen at auctions. To the many who turn to us by phone, email or WhatsApp, we are happy for any question, clarification, and providing any necessary information beyond what is written in the catalogue.
LOT 231:
Songs of David - two sheet music notebooks for Israel's prayers. Cantor R. Yitzhak David Alfarawitz
Sold for: $220 (₪803)
Start price:
Buyer's Premium: 22%
VAT: 18%
On commission only
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Songs of David - two sheet music notebooks for Israel's prayers. Cantor R. Yitzhak David Alfarawitz
Shiri David, will contain recitatives and duettin for cantors and boys for the prayer of Yamim Noraim by the Shliach Tzibur and the Slaughter Yitzchak David Alfarawitz Durbarg. Approved by the Censor in Vilna, 1910. Lithographic print.