Auction 1 Prime Judaica
By Prime Judaica
Feb 27, 2020
30 9th Street, Lakewood NJ 08701, USA, United States

Prime Judaica is an American Antique Judaica Company, specializing in early printed Classic Seforim, Chassidic Seforim, Rabbinical Letters and Manuscripts from famous Rabbis along with Jewish Holocaust Seforim with much more.

Prime Judaica will be having approximately 3-4 auctions yearly. Our auction will be a online auction only, on a large variety of spiritual Antique treasures.

Prime Judaica has many years of experience and strives for Honesty and Reliability.

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LOT 13:

Igroth Tzafon, Rabbi Samson Refael Hirsch, Altona 1836, First edition. German.

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Start price:
$ 200
Estimated price :
$300 - $400
Buyer's Premium: 20%
sales tax: 8.875% On lot's price, no sales tax on commission
Users from foreign countries may be exempted from tax payments, according to the relevant tax regulations
Auction took place on Feb 27, 2020 at Prime Judaica

Igroth Tzafon, Rabbi Samson Refael Hirsch, Altona 1836, First edition. German.

Written in the form of an exchange of letters between two intelligent young men, Benjamin, an idealist impressed by society’s rapid progress in the arts and sciences, and Naphtali, a young Rabbi, ”The Nineteen Letters” quickly became the definitive work in Germany setting out the essence of Judaism for a rational and increasingly skeptical era. The second work is a refutation of the theories of the Reform Movement which quickly caused a considerable stir within liberal circles.

Pages: 8, 111, 2.

Size: 20 cm

Condition: Very good condition, front cover is detached.

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