Auction 20 Auction 20. A Collection of Manuscripts from the Greatest of our Generations
By Rarity Auction House
Jan 10, 2023
17 Perlman Dr. Suite 204 Spring Valley NY 10977, United States

מכירת העשרים! אוסף של כתבי יד מגדולי הדורות

מכתבים וכתבי יד מגדולי האדמורי"ם, גאוני ליטא, גדולי ירושלים

החתם סופר ותלמידיו - גדולי הונגריה

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LOT 92:

"And we will pepare good chickens..." A heartfelt and personal letter from the Baal Tzadkat Yosef of Pittsburgh to ...

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Sold for: $320
Start price:
$ 300
Buyer's Premium: 25%
Auction took place on Jan 10, 2023 at Rarity Auction House

"And we will pepare good chickens..." A heartfelt and personal letter from the Baal Tzadkat Yosef of Pittsburgh to his brother Rabbi Meir of Nadvorna Cleveland
"וישבעו ויתענגו מגוטע טשיקענס..." מכתב לבבי ואישית מהגה"ק בעל צדקת יוסף מפיטסבורג אל אחיו רבי מאיר מנדבורנא קליוולנד

"לכבוד אהובי אחי היקר הרב הצדיק המפורסם כגן הדסים בוצינא קדישא חסידא ופרישא...,

"מצפים לקראת בואכם לשלום, נכין לפניכם סעודה הגונה ויאכלו ענוים וישבעו ויתענגו מגוטע טשיקענס... אמנם חסידים עם פדיונות גדולות לא אדע אם אוכל להכין..."

The first Rebbe of Pittsburgh, R. Yosef Leifer, (1891-1966) was the son of rebbe Yissachar Berish of Satmar, (1850-1906) and grandson of Rebbe Mordechai of Nadvorna. After his marriage, he became Rebbe in Carei (Nagykaroly), Romania. He immigrated to the United States in the 1920s and settled in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he established his Chassidic court, which developed into one of the important Chassidic centers in the United States. His son, Rebbe Avraham Abba of Pittsburgh-Ashdod, related that upon awakening every day, his father would recite the traditional "Modeh Ani" prayer and then add his own prayer in Yiddish: "Holy Father! Please help me to remain unaffected by the American atmosphere!" When Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar arrived in the United States, he attested that the Pittsburgher Rebbe was the only one to be unaffected by the prevailing American culture.

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