Auction 20 Auction 20. A Collection of Manuscripts from the Greatest of our Generations
By Rarity Auction House
Jan 10, 2023
17 Perlman Dr. Suite 204 Spring Valley NY 10977, United States

מכירת העשרים! אוסף של כתבי יד מגדולי הדורות

מכתבים וכתבי יד מגדולי האדמורי"ם, גאוני ליטא, גדולי ירושלים

החתם סופר ותלמידיו - גדולי הונגריה

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LOT 44:

Blessed is the one who chooses to belong to reality - A special & important letter by the famous Mashgiach Rabbi ...

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Sold for: $1,500
Start price:
$ 950
Buyer's Premium: 25%
Auction took place on Jan 10, 2023 at Rarity Auction House

Blessed is the one who chooses to belong to reality - A special & important letter by the famous Mashgiach Rabbi Eliyohu Eliezer Dessler Zt"l.

 Blessed is the one who chooses to belong to reality - A special & important letter by the famous Mashgiach Rabbi Eliyohu Eliezer Dessler Zt"l.

"Yehi ratzon that you will merit to see much Nachas from him & his brother, they will follow the path of the Torah and the Mitzva according to the will of our Father in Heaven.
What more can be achieved than that? And what else is there in life besides this? What pleasure and goodness belong in less than that? He is one and his will is one and there is no reality other than him and his will. Blessed is the one who chooses to belong to reality, and there is no room for obtaining other than imaginary illusions. Adam Harishon, before the sin only knew truth and lies, that truth is reality, and lies are nothing and do not exist (Rambam Morah).

I came to bless, and my thoughts moved to other worlds, I will return to the world of blessings. Hashem should bless them with great happiness until they will be full of Bracha, and they will enjoy and be content with their descendants as God's good hand is upon them.

And may we all be granted a complete redemption, the inner redemption that is received from the light of His face, because honor will dwell within us at the coming of the Holy Spirit in our own days Amen"

The great Ba’al Mussar Rabbi Eliyohu Eliezer Dessler (1892–1953) was a descendant of Rabbi Yisroel Lipkin (Salanter), trained at the Kelm beit midrash. He immigrated to London in 1927 where he served as Rav in Dalston and taught small groups of eager students. One of the founders of the famed Gateshead Kollel, towards the end of his life he moved to Eretz Israel where he served as Mashgiach in the Ponevezh Yeshiva. His works, especially in the area of Mussar (moral and character development) were published as 'Michtav Me’Eliyahu' and are considered major texts in this field and have been reprinted numerous times.
Bnei Brak, 1953.

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