The Auction contains 1567 lots of rare Worldwide stamps and
postal history with emphasis of Modern US and Canada Errors, British
Commonwealth Collections and single lots with comprehensive Ireland,
Malaysian States, Rhodesia, St. Helena, St. Lucia and Sarawak,
Collection of Classic Albania, first class rarities of Austria,
Specialized German and Italian material, including Colonies and
Occupations, beautiful Romania, including Moldavia-Walachia and early
proofs and essays, as always specialized Russian area material,
including Obrazets (Specimen) of the first Soviet Union souvenir sheet.
More then 100 collections and large lots.
LOT 734:
Iceland - Zeppelin Flights
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Start price:
Buyer's Premium: 15%
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sales tax: 6.625%
On lot's price, no sales tax on commission
Users from foreign countries may be exempted from tax payments, according to the relevant tax regulations
Iceland - Zeppelin Flights
June 30-July 3, 1931, Iceland Flight postcard and cover, franked respectively by 30a and 1k, 30a and 2k stamps with ''Zeppelin 1931'' overprint, tied by Reykjavik ''30.VI.31'' ds, green confirmation cachet and Friedrichshafen ''3.7.31'' receiver hs, card has slight corner fold, still VF, Sieger #114B, D, €730, Sc. #C9-11