拍卖品 10: בס"ד. The holy sefer 'Galia Raza' for the student of the Arizal - printed and published by the holy auother of 'Beer Mayim Chaim' ZY"A, Mahlov, 5672 - First Edition
拍卖品 11: בס"ד. Sefer Nofes Tzufim, edited by Rabbi Yehoshua Avraham of Zhitaomir, a student of the 'Kedushas Levi' and author of 'Geulas Yisrael' - Lemberg 5590 approx.
拍卖品 12: בס''ד. Sefer Toldos Aharon of HRH"K Rabbi Aharon of Zhitomir ZY"A - a distinct student of HRH"K from Berditsov - articles from the auothor of 'Kedushas Levi' First time in print - Berditsov 5577. First Edition.
拍卖品 17: בס"ד. A novelty in the world! A revelation from the lightthat is hidden for the righteous from the Torah of the Baal Shem Tov hakadosh and his disciples. New Torah articles that have not been printed From the the holy Baal Shem Tov, From the Great Maggid of Mezrich, And the holy barditschever ...
拍卖品 20: A Tshuva which was written and signed by the sages of Makhanas, headed by the great sage Rabbi Moshe Birdogo - the head of the Mashbir and Beis Din Tzedek of Makhanas, 5488.
拍卖品 23: בס"ד. A letter for the rescue and redemption of captives from Gentiles from the saint "accustomed to miracles" Rabbi Yehuda ben Atar To his friend the Yaabets and his Beit Din - Fes, 5461
拍卖品 24: בס"ד. A Tshuva in the depths of Halacha for the Dayanim of Meknesa, From Rabbi Eliezer de Avila, the son of the sister of the holy "Or Chayim". Everything is written and signed in handwriting. Rare! Not printed.
拍卖品 27: בס"ד. The Tehilim and Mishlei 'HaMagid', published in Shapira printing, Slavita 5586 - with signature of the holy Rabbi Shmuel Heller of Tzefat
拍卖品 28: בס"ד. Tikun Leil Shavuot, according to the order of the Holy Shela - Zitamir 5614 In the print of the rabbis, Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heshil Shapira, Zitamir 5614.
拍卖品 32: בס"ד. The first Mishnayot in the world! Naples 5252 - about a thousand glosses from the Torah of the author of 'Mekubetset' and more, some of them were not printed - many handwritten drawings from the years 5200-5300 - a drawing of a menorah not according to the Chabad method!
拍卖品 33: בס"ד. The Rambam's Sefer HaMitzvot, Viniciah 5310 - first edition printed together with the Ramban's Hasagot - in the printing press of the Mahar'am Padava and with the endorsement of the Rema
拍卖品 34: Basic Sefer - Kesef Mishna, Venice 5336 , first edition - glosses by the great genius Rabbi Yitzchak Hezekiah Lampronti, author of "Pachad Yitzchak"
拍卖品 35: Sefer Toldot Yitzchak, on Torah, Rabbi Yitzchak Caro, the uncle of the 'Beit Yosef' - Riva DeTrinto, 5318 - the first sefer printed in this city!
拍卖品 36: בס"ד. A student of the 'Beit Yosef' - Magen Avraham, to the 'certified rabbi' Rabbi Avraham Lenyadu of Aram Tzova - Venice 5363 - first editiion.
拍卖品 38: בס"ד. ''וכיוון אל האמת בדרשותיו.. (האר''י זיע''א)'' Sefer Chavatselet HaSharon for the Holy Alshich, on Daniel, Venice, 5352 - during the lifetime of the holy author!
拍卖品 39: בס"ד. rare. Sefer Devek Tov, Venice, 5348 - the basic book for the composition 'Shifsei Chachamim' - gloss by the great genius Rabbi Chaim Yitzchak David of Tarnipol, a student of the Minchas Chinuch
拍卖品 41: בס"ד. ''ראשון נדפס לכל הראשונים'' Chidushei HaRashba, on a Tractate of Berachos, Venice 5283 - first edition - signature of auther of Nechmad Lamareh
拍卖品 42: בס"ד. Manuscript "Otzar HaKavod" by Rabbi Todros Halevi Abulefia - one of the greatest of the Rishonim, a student of his uncle the Remah. In the times of the Rashba.
拍卖品 47: לפנינו מביכורי דפוס סלאוויטא! ספר חסד לאברהם, מהמקובל האלוקי רבי אברהם אזולאי נדפס ע"י הרה"ק רבי משה שפירא בנו של הרה"ק רבי פנחס מקוריץ בסלאוויטא תקנ"ד. . Sefer Chesed Leavraham, by the Divine kabalist Rabbi Avraham Azulai One of the first sefarim printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapira son of Rabbi ...