от Toys Trains and Other Old Stuff LLC

1951 W Division Rd Fowler Indiana 47944, Соединенные Штаты

Toystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC is proud to present a great collection of mid to high grade postwar Lionel O gauge trains and accessories tis sets, accessories, F3 diesel locomotives and rolling stock, the majority of which are in original boxes. Highlights include a gorgeous boxed 2296W Canadian Pacific set, 746 steam locomotive and tender, 2189WS, 2526WS, 2177WS, 12710, 1629, 1633, 11460, 11520, 11540, 11550 and 19349 boxed sets, 9532 racing set, 2354 New York Central, 2242 New Haven, 2245 MKT Texas Special, 2379 Rio Grande, 2383 Santa Fe and other F-3 diesel locomotive sets, several high grade accessories with all inserts, numerous space and military cars and much more!!

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